Meet The Robotic Luggage That Follows You Like a Dog - higginshavem1951
The last thing you want to do after a long, wearying travel is to drag your heavy luggage around until you get to your name and address. If only luggage bags and suitcases could sprout feet and walk themselves. Advantageously, thanks to modder Ben Heck, they now can!
Ben, alongside designing engineer Jesse Robinson, went well-nig creating a luggage robot that's capable of following you around sol you don't have to pull it. The tall baggage robot, nicknamed Doug, has two main wheels but and a stabilizer to living IT from tipping over, so the finished result looks a trifle like R2-D2.
Doug uses ping sensors to track and survey you. The sensor on your person (hooked up to your bang) will send a "ping" signal to the sensor connected the luggage bot to determine how far away it is from you, and how the Doug should respond. Once paired with you, the robot will know when to come after a you and when to stop. Of course, you can invalid the sensors arsenic necessary, and the bot comes with a handle so you can sway it onto your flight operating theatre bus.
Doug can acceptable into an overhead compartment on a shave, and then it might just realise the perfect have a bun in the oven along udder. The downside? IT can only move at a steady 2mph, so it's best fit to those WHO can't manner of walking particularly fast or scarce want to get their time.
Spell a little slow, this is a great project for first-clip autonomous robot modders. Cheque the video below to find out more about the sensors and overall project:
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