
What Gardening Zone Is Nashville Tn

The Most Popular Shrubs & Flowers in Mt. Juliet, TN

Published on Monday, September 10, 2018

Tennessee has the advantage of having a beautiful climate all year long that allows for a lot of flowers and shrubs to bloom around the state. Mt. Juliet is a suburb of Nashville, TN, which is north central in relation to the entire state. This area falls into zone 7a, when it comes to plant hardiness.

Zone 7a allows the homeowners and business owners flexibility when planting their annual shrubs and flowers. Because of this, you can expect a variety of shrubs and flowers, both annuals and perennials, to be scattered around the Mt. Juliet area.

Seven months is the approximate length of the growth period available for planting annuals in zone 7a.

Bring Color to Your Yard With Annuals

With the longer growing period in Mt. Juliet, homeowners have the opportunity to plant annuals throughout spring, summer, and fall to change the seasonal color in their yards. Annuals provide some of the prettiest colors in landscaping and also help bring separation to your perennial plants.

Warm Season Annual Blooms

Springtime in Mt. Juliet brings beautiful flowers such as Pansies and Snapdragons. Summertime blooms include flowers such as Cannas and Dahlias. Some other warm season annual blooms that will look great on your property include:

  • Coleus
  • Marigolds
  • Petunias
  • Impatiens
  • Begonia
  • Zinnia

Cool Season Annual Blooms

As summer wanes and autumn settles in, golden hues and lush shades of green are the best choices for your property. The best option for bringing fall colors into your current landscape design are mums. Mums are available in multiple autumn hues such as oranges, reds, and yellows.

Other popular options for cool season annual blooms to add to your landscaping areas are:

  • Pansies
  • Kale
  • Violas
  • Snapdragons

Perennials Form the Foundation of Your Landscaping Beds

Your perennials are the anchor of your garden. These are going to be some of your toughest and most resistant plants. During the fall or the spring are the best times to plant your perennials. Chose your perennials wisely, and then use annuals throughout the seasons to complement them.

Some of the most popular perennials in the Mt. Juliet area that form the foundation of many gardens and landscaping beds are:

  • Coneflowers
  • Daylilies
  • Iris
  • Hibiscus
  • Lenten Rose
  • Lamb's Ear
  • Ornamental grasses
  • Hostas

Consult with us about choosing and planting your landscaping flowers and shrub.

There are so many options for homeowners and business owners to bring a variety of color and texture onto their property, by simply choosing the right perennials and swapping in various annual blooms. If you need help choosing and planting flowers and shrubs that are right for your landscaping, consider contacting a professional landscaping company such as Master's Landscape Design. We can be reached for a free consultation at (615) 288-2052.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of options nurseries offer throughout the year! Consulting with an experienced landscape company can help ease your mind and achieve a well-balanced landscape design of the most popular shrubs and flowers in the Mt. Juliet area.

What Gardening Zone Is Nashville Tn


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